Saturday 14 January 2012

Beyond Time . . . .

I want something, something I desperately need, 

Something this world must have urge for, 
I want to go somewhere beyond time.
Where no one says ' Time waits for none'.
Somewhere, where time can't touch my life, 
A place where it will be in my hand.
A place where ' Hurry' is nowhere in dictionary.
Somewhere, I can enjoy without any concern.
Somewhere beyond time I want to go, 
Where there's no past, no present, no future.
Some place out of this material world, 
Where wall clocks are only to decor the walls.
I want to go, to a place where, 
I can close my eyes, and then
spreading my hands can fly, 
High in air to talk to birds.
I want to roam about, in a place
which is still unknown, still hidden
somewhere between reality and imagination, 
Where someday I believe, I will end up....


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